Texts: tigerulze

His Masterpiece

The school had no classrooms, just a church hall next to a red brick house with a front porch and a central hallway. The teachers were nuns in black and they lived in the house when the children weren’t there. The main rooms were used by the older classes while the little ones sat on the floor in the wooden hall.

I started prep late in the year and knew no one because we still lived in Richmond, the inner city, in my grandmother’s house. My grandfather would drive my mother and me out to the new suburb where dad was building our house. Then Poppa would pick me up at three o’clock and we’d stop in a muddy street near a creek. To check on progress. Sometimes they’d let me play on the framed walls while they talked and I’d become a pirate climbing the mast, up high to the lookout. You could see across the valley in those days and because it was spring the orchard blossoms on the far hills became rolling surf and I knew we were safe because no other galleons were in sight.

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When Memory Starts To Stir

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I watched from an old upstairs window just straining on tippy toes to see. To see my mother crossing the street way down below.

​She said she’d be back soon and the nice wide nurse said that too. She’ll be back soon. She’s not leaving, don’t worry, just going to get something. Be back soon. But she didn’t even look up as she walked away

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All Things Pass

Again the longest day was past. The days were getting shorter - it was still barely noticeable but we knew it was happening, this summer too would pass.

Again the day came to an end, again the bright red above the horizon grew pale, the water in the distance kept its colour, but barely, darkness crept up everywhere out of the earth, now the far canal had vanished in the night.

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What's In A Name?

This was our first "blog post" - explaining why we hate calling texts "BLOGS..."

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Officially speaking a blog (n.) is an "online journal," a shortening of weblog, which is to say a "log" published on the world-wide web. A record of observations, opinions etc in a way similar to a ship's log. That word itself was a shortened version (in 1842) of "log book" used at sea since the 17th century.

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