
justice fairness and hope...


collected video images and text


in the beginning was the word ...


the truth of the world



In the beginning was the word, or so the story goes ... most stories rely on words after all. Although the world exists without us. Birds sing, tides flow in and out, trees crash in the forests as they did long before we came here, and all such things will persist after we leave. This world gets along nicely with its own language not our social construction. But with language we seek sense from the world. We create - or simply invent - meaning . . .

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We were told it was a sin to tell a lie, even little ones. God the father was always watching and baby Jesus would be so disappointed in us. Lots of things - even quite nice ones - were sins, and many of course were worse than lying. Smoking, self abuse and sex before marriage for instance. But there was a way out ... you could admit everything by going to the priest in a dark cubicle and whispering bless me father ... So here is my confession.

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latest posts

after US hegemony - lifted from arnaud bertrand on twitter

in the evening of the day - HERE

mango cherry ripe - HERE

Barricade! the resident fight against the F19 freeway - article and full PDF

just a dropkick from punt road - before the flood

money value wealth - from The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell


If we want to see, as we wander this world, we need to open our eyes and look. But . . . do we see things as they are or as we imagine them to be? "Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo, more than a painting, may change its meaning according to who is looking at it" - John Berger


In the not so distant past I ran a website called ranterulze - full of politics and rant and a yearning for justice. That site is now in recess - but these are the remnants. It began like this, as I remembered a kinder, gentler time recalling how youth believed in itself - when we thought we mattered and would prevail. Reading history to imagine how peoples' movements established true democracies, when the world was "Turned Upside Down" . . .

extra-curricular: a reading list

the world is a giant library full of text and opinion - here are a few you might find interesting ...

video and graphics

a small selection of video info/entertainment here and some funky graphics too!

about ranterulze

Tigerulze is an ageing ranter, who remembers a kinder, gentler time and recalls youth’s belief in itself - read more here ...